Last week, the LTI staff completed one of the great ideas talked about in the retreat by organizing a very successful bake sale. While this fundraiser brought in over $600 in profit, what made this event a success was the fact that so many people on campus were able to learn about all of the wonderful things that LTI was doing. After my shift, I started walking towards my 3pm class, and from every direction all I could hear was people talking about how great and wonderful this "new" program was. But now that I reflect back on that week, I realize that the main reason why the bake sale was so successful was because of all of the hard work that each individual of the LTI staff put into the bake sale. Whether people cooked, made deliveries, or volunteered at the cookie booth in lobby 10, in the end it was everyone's individual support that made this bake sale a success. Just like the theme of this week's mentor training session (letting others lead), I was reminded of the fact that their is more to leadership then just giving out orders. While it is true that the bake sale required one individual to come up with the idea and start organizing, I feel that that what made this fundraiser a success was the fact that everyone was willing to lend their support. After the the bake sale and the mentor training session on Sunday, I can tell that the students of this year's LTI session will not only learn how to be effective leaders in their communities, but they will also become supportive members in their communities too.
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