Saturday, January 24, 2009

Opening Ceremony Reminders!


IAP is nearing an end at MIT, which means the start of classes and the Spring 2009 LTI Session!

Reminder: LTI Opening Ceremony
When: Sunday February 1st, 2009
What time: 12:00 noon to 3:00 pm
Where: MIT Room 32-141

Reminder: LTI Spring Schedule
When: Sundays February 8th--May 10th
What time: 12:00 noon to 4:00 pm
Where: MIT Room 4-149
*Note: Due to MIT and local high school holidays, there will be no LTI session Feb. 15, Mar. 22, and Apr. 19.

Welcoming Packets have been sent out. Please complete the forms and have them ready at the opening ceremony!

Be sure to RSVP the number of guests for the ceremony ASAP to

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