Monday, April 19, 2010

Taking Time Out to Reflect

After the conclusion of this year's CPW (campus preview weekend) I learned a lot from this year's perspective freshmen. In addition to meeting new people, this year's CPW was really memorable because of the fact that this year I was reminded of how important it was for us to routinely reflect on all of our accomplishments and take pride in all of the work that we have done thus far. After hearing one student's excitement for just being here on campus, I began to think about my own “MIT experience” and how excited I was to also be here in this historic campus. While such an experience may seem like an eternity away, the fact is that it wasn't too long ago that I was in the same position as many of these perspective students. I remember walking around campus and thinking how big and monumental everything was. While these reflections didn’t necessarily help me get any closer to completing my p-sets, these reflections were still very important. The reason why reflection is so important is because they remind us of how far we have come. Additionally, meditating on these memories helps us overcome future obstacles that we later face in life (whether it be academic, work related, or personal). So just like how past victories can help motivate sport teams to win games that “experts” have deemed impossible to win, routine reflections can help us reach new potential. As such, when I think about our students in the LTI program, I can't help but be excited for the many great things that I know they will accomplish in life. By looking at the work that these students have put into their projects, I have no doubt in my mind that these projects (and their time here at LTI) will one day serve as a great accomplishment for these students to reflect on.

Your Public Relations Chair,

Walter Anazonwu

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