Friday, February 26, 2010

Building a Community.

Last Wednesday I was watching the snowboarding finals of the Winter Olympics. While the competition was exciting, what really caught my attention was an ad that took place during the commercials. This ad was created by the local boys and girls club that had members from different sport teams (including the Red Sox, the Patriots, and the Celtics) talk about the boys and girls club. In this ad, all of these athletes talked about the impact that the boys and girls club had had on their lives. However, what really caught my attention was when the announcer said that what all of these athletes had in common was that they all had a community that they could go to and grow by develop their talents and learning the value of teamwork. After that commercial, I began to reflect back on the LTI opening ceremony that took place last month. During that ceremony, one of the things that was discussed was creating a strong community. After seeing that commercial, I now have a better understanding of why it is so important for us to create this strong community. This television ad showed me that by focusing on creating a community, LTI would be able to not only impact the Boston community, but also impact the lives of each student that takes part in this organization.

Your Public Relations Chair,

Walter Anazonwu

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