The past couple of weeks have been quite eventful!
One featured event at an LTI session was a blind-folded scavenger hunt. In this event, students split into teams of 3. One served as the blind-folded mover, another as the vocal director, and the final student as the silent direction giver. The silent direction giver would motion with his or her body to the vocal director, who vocalized the first student's commands to the blind-folded mover. Whichever team worked best as a team and collected the most items won the activity!
This past Sunday, March 8th, students presented their final project proposals to the LTI Board of Directors. The final project is a vital part of the LTI curriculum, in which students have the opportunity to give back to their own community in the form of an LTI-funded service project. Proposals included projects aimed at removing graffiti from public areas, implementing an invisible children awareness program, and an education play on alcohol abuse. After initial feedback, students will edit proposals and presentations in time for approved funding and the final presentations at the closing ceremony in May.
Finally, this upcoming Wednesday, March 11th is the monthly LTI General Body Meeting. At this meeting, we are welcoming our five newest executive board members! Three of our newest LTI family will be starting our Expansion committee, which aims at implementing and extending our program and connections to locations in Mexico, China, Brazil, El Salvador, and South Africa. Many updates on LTI's summer program plans to come!
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